Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Washing Political Linen across Enemy Domain..

TV Pic Below..

Pakistani media spokes person Ms Mona Alam quoting Naresh Agrawal of SP for justifying Pakistan's conduct & action against Kulbhushan Jadhao..When the ruling party spokesperson clubbed Naresh Agrawal with Manishankar Aiyer (to score a political point over S.P & Congress & not over Pakistan) she quoted our Hon PM over the Pakistan Angle propaganda during Gujarat Elections..Isn't it an irony that we, ourself provide lollypops to our enemies to sharpen attacks on us? Internal politics and war of words/allegations, if reasonable & graceful are ok but washing our linen in enemy domain certainly makes it dirty & somewhat helps them to  belittle our diplomatic & social as well as internal harmony & unity stand in international community.. Politicians & Political Parties have nothing to lose but as a Nation, as Citizens, we do & the loss is unfathomable as in the case of Sarabjit & now Kulbhushan Jadhav apart from the martyrdom of countless soldiers & their families..

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