Monday, December 18, 2017

Hail Democracy..Hail the voters of Gujarat

Kudos to the power of democracy. Kudos to the voters of Gujarat. More than the win or loss of any specific party what is important is that it is the victory of the public..Since I am associated with Consumer movement I would like to call it the victory of Consumers/Grahak's.

Such closely contested fights with all the  contesting parties getting jittery & panicky with anxiety till the day of results is must for the democracy to survive. A healthy democracy where all the political parties are on toes all the time with no illusions of being invincible is a blessing for the citizens of any country. Spread of power among multiple groups prevents a dictatorship from forming & helps to ensure that the will of a citizens is enforced rather than the will of a small group of political leaders.

Ditto for the survival of free Press & Media for only a free press has the ability to openly question  and bring to light the issues that are relevant to the public.

Hence more than anything else it is a time to rejoice for the Voters, for the Mai Baap as we are called..No PUN intended!!

(The blog writer is a management professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. Besides, he is President of "Consumer Justice Council", Secretary of "SARATHI", Member of "Jan Manch", Holds "Palakatva of NMC" in Shivaji Nagar area and Is a Para Legal Volunteer, District Court Nagpur.)

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