Saturday, May 28, 2016

Open letter to Aamir Khan dated 17/7/2012

Mr Aamir Khan.

Trust you are doing well. I am Amit Heda from Nagpur. As millions worldwide I am also an ardent follower of your work not only for movies but for other aspects of your multifaceted personality as well. Very few individuals could have generated the kind of curiosity and also authenticity as you have through "Satyamev Jayate". Needless to say your reputation and goodwill virtually forces the people to believe in what you try to put across and in turn try to make the necessary corrections/changes in their mindset and also in the system. Thanks for what you have done and also for what you intend to in the time to come. Aamir, you rightly tried to present the plight and sufferings of the females in one of your episodes. Appreciate the same. Having said that may I take the liberty of drawing your attentions towards something very significant and crucial that you need to work on and if appears to be appropriate to highlight in one of your shows?     
            Divorce is a stigma not only for those who unfortunately go through it but also for their near and dear ones and for the society as well. And it should be rightly avoided as far as possible. Sir, it has been seen that majority of the family laws are in favor of females. This might have been done mostly keeping the sufferings and plight of women’s mostly from the rural setup where there is lack of literacy and courage and with the intention of empowering them and helping them in securing their rights. However what one comes across many a time is that this family law is used by educated and literate females and their family members as an arm twisting tactics and there are thousands of cases where the husbands and their families are at the receiving end for no/little fault of theirs. This needs to be looked into and necessary changes need to be incorporated so that the law does not act biasely. For your reference kindly visit It is a site dedicated to fight against dowry law (IPC 498a) misuse by Indian women. This website is an attempt to create awareness among Indian nationals about the rampant misuse of 498a (Dowry Law misuse) by unscrupulous women to extort money and harass their husband's entire extended family. This website is dedicated to the victims of gender-biased laws of India (498a and domestic violence against women law) and provides comprehensive and free information about how to protect yourself and take preventive measures to save your family from this law which has been termed as 'legal terrorism' by Honorable Supreme Court of India. This website also attempts to explain the future disastrous results of badly formulated and gender biased "Domestic violence against women law" which grossly violates the liberty and dignity of an average man and his extended family members. Anyone who is educated and reads the guidelines of the law can see how vicious this law is and what it's social implications are and will be. Also kindly visit This would help you understand my concern.

I hope, aamir, that as a genuine crusader of all the wrongdoings and evil system prevailing in our society and more importantly as a rationally thinking individual you would not only look into the matter but would also highlight the same.

Amit Heda.

(This is a Copyright Article registered in the name of the Blog Writer).

Pl note that i am myself father of a girl child. Hence i hv no biased intentions.

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