Saturday, March 20, 2021

Where does the poor voters/janta stand?

Where does the poor voters/janta stand amidst the allegations, corruption, malpractices? Ruling party indulges, opposition digs, media covers, supporters of parties slam/rejoice/abuse. The END..

..Only to begin afresh with new party, new faces (reversal of roles), new allegations. Public (including the blindfolded supporters) remains where they are ..Cheated, Looted, Shocked, Harassed, 

Taken for a ride!

What an irony for the voters and the general public, mostly self occupied as pawns supporting/defending their "Netas" not realising that they are 

DIGGING their own grave!

(The blog writer/compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. 

Besides, he is -

1) Ex President of "Consumer Justice Council", 
2) Secretary of "SARATHI",  
3) Member of "Jan Manch",  
4) Holds "Palakatva of NMC", 
5) Para Legal Volunteer, District Court,  
6) RTI Activist, 
7) Core Committee Member of Save Bharat  
     Van Movement & Paryavaran Prerna        
8) Member of Alert Citizen Group, Nagpur 
9) Ex Member of Family Welfare Committee
    formed under the directions of Hon.     
    Supreme Court.

Twitter: @amitgheda.

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