Sunday, March 21, 2021

Ever "Masked" Politicians

Politicians need to be appreciated/applauded for begining the habit of wearing masks long before, forget covid, any other virus was discovered. For their reality is always behind mask that they wear by default.

As an after thought perhaps that's why they don't care about greens and environment as they simply don't know what trees, fresh air and clean environment means. 

Yes, dey maintain "दो गज की दूरी" only in open, otherwise there is no "दूरी" at all for all (irrespective of party) are siblings in arms for mutual personal gains, of course at the cost of Voters/Janta.

Regarding hand sanetisation, less said the better, for no sanetiser/soap can clean their hands soaked in the virus called corruption, cheap appeasement, false assurances, fake projections to name a few.

The blog writer/compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. 

Besides, he is -

1) Ex President of "Consumer Justice Council", 
2) Secretary of "SARATHI",  
3) Member of "Jan Manch",  
4) Holds "Palakatva of NMC", 
5) Para Legal Volunteer, District Court,  
6) RTI Activist, 
7) Core Committee Member of Save Bharat  
     Van Movement & Paryavaran Prerna        
8) Member of Alert Citizen Group, Nagpur 
9) Ex Member of Family Welfare Committee
    formed under the directions of Hon.     
    Supreme Court.

Twitter: @amitgheda.

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