Sunday, March 21, 2021

The alphabets of Bharatiya languages ​​is full of science.

The alphabets of Bharatiya languages ​​is full of science. Each letter of the alphabet is logical and placed sequentially with precise calculations. Such a scientific view is not ingrained in the alphabet of other foreign languages. E.g. See:

क ख ग घ ઙ - This group of five is called kanthavya because the sound comes out of the throat while pronouncing this. Try pronouncing.

च छ ज ज ઞ - These five are called palate because the tongue will feel palate while pronouncing this. Try pronouncing.

ट ठ ड ઢ ण - These five are called Murdhanya because while pronouncing this the tongue will feel Murdhanya. Try pronouncing.

त थ द ध न - This group of five is called Dantavya because the tongue touches the teeth while pronouncing this. Give it a try.

प फ ब भ म  - This group of five is called Aushthavya because both the lips meet to pronounce this. Give it a try.

Any other language in the world has such a scientific approach? We need pride for our Indian language but at the same time let us know why and let the world know.

 Have the pride in our language.

Compiled from various sources.

The blog writer/compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. 

Besides, he is -

1) Ex President of "Consumer Justice Council", 
2) Secretary of "SARATHI",  
3) Member of "Jan Manch",  
4) Holds "Palakatva of NMC", 
5) Para Legal Volunteer, District Court,  
6) RTI Activist, 
7) Core Committee Member of Save Bharat  
     Van Movement & Paryavaran Prerna        
8) Member of Alert Citizen Group, Nagpur 
9) Ex Member of Family Welfare Committee
    formed under the directions of Hon.     
    Supreme Court.

Twitter: @amitgheda.

Ever "Masked" Politicians

Politicians need to be appreciated/applauded for begining the habit of wearing masks long before, forget covid, any other virus was discovered. For their reality is always behind mask that they wear by default.

As an after thought perhaps that's why they don't care about greens and environment as they simply don't know what trees, fresh air and clean environment means. 

Yes, dey maintain "दो गज की दूरी" only in open, otherwise there is no "दूरी" at all for all (irrespective of party) are siblings in arms for mutual personal gains, of course at the cost of Voters/Janta.

Regarding hand sanetisation, less said the better, for no sanetiser/soap can clean their hands soaked in the virus called corruption, cheap appeasement, false assurances, fake projections to name a few.

The blog writer/compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. 

Besides, he is -

1) Ex President of "Consumer Justice Council", 
2) Secretary of "SARATHI",  
3) Member of "Jan Manch",  
4) Holds "Palakatva of NMC", 
5) Para Legal Volunteer, District Court,  
6) RTI Activist, 
7) Core Committee Member of Save Bharat  
     Van Movement & Paryavaran Prerna        
8) Member of Alert Citizen Group, Nagpur 
9) Ex Member of Family Welfare Committee
    formed under the directions of Hon.     
    Supreme Court.

Twitter: @amitgheda.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Where does the poor voters/janta stand?

Where does the poor voters/janta stand amidst the allegations, corruption, malpractices? Ruling party indulges, opposition digs, media covers, supporters of parties slam/rejoice/abuse. The END..

..Only to begin afresh with new party, new faces (reversal of roles), new allegations. Public (including the blindfolded supporters) remains where they are ..Cheated, Looted, Shocked, Harassed, 

Taken for a ride!

What an irony for the voters and the general public, mostly self occupied as pawns supporting/defending their "Netas" not realising that they are 

DIGGING their own grave!

(The blog writer/compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. 

Besides, he is -

1) Ex President of "Consumer Justice Council", 
2) Secretary of "SARATHI",  
3) Member of "Jan Manch",  
4) Holds "Palakatva of NMC", 
5) Para Legal Volunteer, District Court,  
6) RTI Activist, 
7) Core Committee Member of Save Bharat  
     Van Movement & Paryavaran Prerna        
8) Member of Alert Citizen Group, Nagpur 
9) Ex Member of Family Welfare Committee
    formed under the directions of Hon.     
    Supreme Court.

Twitter: @amitgheda.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

A Chance Encounter..

Sometimes, it happens that we get to experience something divine and inspiring just out of sheer luck. 

It happened with me yesterday. 

A chance meeting with one of a leading personality of Nagpur, a figure whose name is synonymous with Hospitality and Healthcare Industry made me experience something similar. Calling him a pioneer of Private Healthcare in Nagpur would not be an exaggeration. However what's noteworthy is that he successfully alingned empathy with the healthcare unit that he set up. 

"सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः । 
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ॥"

is the rightful "Mantra" of the Healthcare Unit.

I guess I have already made it pretty obvious as to whom I am referring to. Yes, Shri Uday Bhaskar ji Nair, Chairman, Orange City Hospital & Research Institute (OCHRI) run by Ravi Nair Hospitals Private Limited.

Anyway, after the brief meeting, as we were departing, suddenly out of nowhere he asked us to accompany him and led us to his private place of worship. "Though I generally do not entertain people here but since I felt that you people have religious inclination, I invited you", he said pointing to us. We still have not been able to understand why and what made him sense this.

The terrace attached to the place of worship was tastefully done with variety of flowering plants. And what peculiar is that the family makes it sure that the deities were adorned with the flowers borne only by those plants AND plucked solely by his better half, an equally prominent figure engaged in social activities.

The interiors of the place of worship was done tastefully and with personal reverence. Needless to say that the ambience was utmost serene and peaceful. Exquisitely crafted, tailor made idol's from across the country adorned the place. One of the wall had a set of 32 idols made by a craftsman from South India, that was one among the only three set of idols that are available. 

We were graciously allowed to do the Puja. Finally, we left the place blessed and with a sense of spiritual satisfaction.

A couple of days later, I again happened to be in the midst of his company. Dr Anup Marar and Dr Rajesh Atal, senior medical professional's besides his daughter, the ever charming and courteous Dr Vidya Nair too was present. There was a general discussion concerning the current flavor "Covid" and it's impact on the general public.

Nairsaab was, despite the fact that he was least affected personally or professionally with the panademic, appeared to be genuinely aware and concerned of the terrible hardship's, the general public was going through. This, despite the fact that ORHRI, being a leading healthcare unit of the Central India was packed to capacity with admissions. 

However, once again to my pleasent surprise, sir emphasised and advised us not to run too much after worldly possessions, share what we have to needy, limit our aspirations and not be over ambitious (Reference Point: Learning's from Covid scare). 

I mean, normally when people have everything going favorably for themselves tend to remain unbothered/unconscious/unaware of other's plight. But he was empathetic and genuinely so. 

For someone who has seen the pinnacle of professional success, for someone who has been one of the most respectable luminary of the society, for someone who has been associated closely with the political arena and leaders across the party lines, enjoying immense goodwill, these facet's of his personality was most intriguing. May be the fact that all the success was self achieved through hard work and personal skills, may be the fact that besides "highs", he might have, like every one of us encountered adversities too made him what he is.. in deeds, actions and thoughts.

As the saying goes, certain people lead the way altogether in every sphere of life, Personal, Professional..Spiritual !

I had written this blog initially without mentioning his name as I knew that he avoids self publicity. But then I thought that mentioning his name would sort of inspire many amongst us, to refine our thinking towards the society and also towards faith/religion. 

Now the question was, how to take his permission. Upon pondering, I got the safest answer..Madam Vilasini ji, his better half, an equally refined, dedicated and concerned activist who through her organisation "Nagpur Mahila Club (Aashrita Mahila Mandal)", as it's President works for the upliftment of the society since years. 

(The blog writer/compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. 

Besides, he is -

1) President of "Consumer Justice Council", 
2) Secretary of "SARATHI",  
3) Member of "Jan Manch",  
4) Holds "Palakatva of NMC", 
5) Para Legal Volunteer, District Court,  
6) RTI Activist
7) Core Committee Member of Save Bharat  
     Van Movement & Paryavaran Prerna        
8) Member of Alert Citizen Group, Nagpur 
9) Member of Family Welfare Committee
    formed under the directions of Hon.     
    Supreme Court.

Twitter: @amitgheda.

'BASICS' : Always the SUPREME yardstick

Unless and until the ' BASICS ' are in the right place, all other things would eventually fall into the category of appeasement. App...