Sunday, June 14, 2020

Self Decorated Corona "Wary" iors: Inventing Self Goal OPPORTUNITY even in calamity

Covid 19, the current demon across the world has made mankind jittery. Almost all those in the region that's under its impact are in panic mode, living under constant threat, fear, suspicion and misery. In this alarming situation, there are many warriors who are selflessly working to control this evil umbothered, unconcerned whether they are 
aknowledged or not. 

Amongst such unsung hero's, there are few WARY- iors busy in inventing self goal opportunities amidst this calamity. This blog is dedicated to such "Wary" iors :

I admire the audacity of those who find and devise an opportunity even in such kind of pandemic calamity where without doing anything remote for or towards the cause or towards the society, they find out ways - means and patronizing organisations to decorate themselves as Corona Warriors!

Ironically even most of these award/reward bestowing organisations are never heard of before. It takes lots of guts, grit, networking skills, ambitions, self admiring admiration to devise, demand, collect & then display the decorations in social media for doing "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" in the field for which (self) decorated ! And without any fear or apprehension as to how would they justify the decorations. What more, they find admirers too! Wonder what will such people resort to if they genuinely do 1% of what they claim😀.

All said and done, one thing is sure: Finding and Grabbing an opportunity for self glorification even when the entire humanity is passing through such tiring times and that too without any remotely constructive efforts requires multi talented qualifications that very few possess ! 

(The blog writer/compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. Besides, he is Ex President of "Consumer Justice Council", Secretary of "SARATHI",  Member of "Jan Manch",  Holds "Palakatva of NMC", is a Para Legal Volunteer, District Court, Nagpur, RTI Activist, Core Committee Member of Save Bharat Van MovementParyavaran Prerna "Vidarbha", Member of Alert Citizen Group, Nagpur Police, Member of Family Welfare Committee formed under the directions of Hon. Supreme Court
Twitter: @amitgheda).

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