Saturday, March 14, 2020

Covid 19, A Corrector: An Eye Opening Adversity

Covid 19, the current demon across the world has made mankind jittery. Almost all those in the region that's under its impact are in panic mode, living under constant threat, fear, suspicion and misery.

Further the fact that it has banged on with a sudden thud, without any warning and it's antidote still not available has made it even more a dreaded phenomenon. 

Washing hands continuously, avoiding eating uncooked & raw food, avoiding unnecessary travelling, partying, holidaying, frequent visit to malls, eateries & other crowded places has become the new protective anthem of the society in the wake of this uninvited calamity.

What does this really mean? Isn't it the realisation of fickleness of life, apprehension of entire humanity being in danger because of C19's epidemic nature?? Have we not over indulged ourselves in the above so called luxuries? Have we not become very very materialistic? 

Well, it's the time to revisit the basics that we had long back forgotten or conviniently overlooked. It's a time of self reflection, self introspection and understanding. Time to realise that life is very fictitious, fragile and can come to an end abruptly all of a sudden. It's time to realise that no matter what, in times of strife and struggle to survive, all that we need is food, water and medicine and not the luxuries that we tend to unnecessarily give more value and importance. 

It's time to stop feeding and nourishing our "EGO" for we now realise that a Virus can knock down our world.  It's high time that we need to make efforts to restore our health, change our lifestyle, pray more, be in the company of and spend more time with our near and dear one's so as to strengthen our family unit that since long had become decrepit, indulge in our passion(s), read books, conserve nature, protect the environment, become responsible, be kind, slow down when required, gently get off from the made up rat race, shun political differences, animosity, discrimination, religious hatred and uncalled for one upmanship. 

Not all things are in our control and tragedy may struck any time, uninvited and without prior knock on the doors of our fragile life. 

Indeed, at times nature takes its own course and such crisis opens up new opportunities to mend our ways.

So, this is definitely a corrector, an eye opening adversity  that, if we are willing to, help us to awaken from fiction and have a deep insight into reality!!

(This sudden calamity can be in any form: Tsunami, Earthquake, Fatal Epidemics, Nuclear wars, Environmental risks given the speed and the manner in which we are destroying nature, trees, polluting the environment, wasting water and other natural resources).

(Covid 19 can be dealt with by taking certain precautions and following the do's and dont's circulated and advised by the government and medical fraternity. Together, we can fight it. No need to panic, we just need to be careful).

(The blog writer/compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. Besides, he is 
Ex President of "Consumer Justice Council", 
Secretary of "SARATHI",  
Member of "Jan Manch",  
Holds "Palakatva of NMC", 
Para Legal Volunteer, District Court, Nagpur, 
RTI Activist
Core Committee Member of Bharat Van Movement
Member of ACG, Nagpur Police, 
Ex Member of Family Welfare Committee formed under the guidelines of Hon. Supreme Court).

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