Monday, July 8, 2019

Open Letter to the Hon. Prime Minister

July 8, 2019.
Shri Narendra Modi ji,
Hon. Prime Minister of India,
New Delhi.

Dear Prime Minister,
Among the many initiatives undertaken and stressed upon by the government, one is to save papers or cut down the use of papers, primarily intended to save trees and in turn the environment. The government has very rightly advocated ‘judicious’ use of paper to government ministries and departments, pointing out that this would not only cut down on wasteful spending but also help the environment. Railway Ministry promotes E-Tickets and appeals the passengers to avoid getting it printed. Government offices have also been asked to encourage e-forms and online submission of forms. “Injudicious use of paper not only leads to infructuous expenditure but also impacts the environment as trees are a major source of paper pulp production,” said a missive by the department of expenditure in the finance ministry.  Needless to say, that all this is a part of the “Go Green” mission aimed towards protecting the environment.

Sir, in the same context and with similar intention, is it not possible that School books can be promoted to be recycled? By recycling – I mean the parents buy the books at the beginning of an academic session and once the session is over – they return the books to the school. Can’t we devise a system wherein recycled school books can be made available at lesser costs both at the school and at the publisher level? Parents will be more than happy to donate/sell the used books. This way not only unnecessary consumption and wastage of paper would be avoided but also books at a cheaper price would be available to the general public. Those who are well off/un bothered may not have any problem with the ever rising school fees and the cost of books but the average middle class (that are in majority) would be immensely benefited by such arrangement.

Of-course the publishers and perhaps the schools may not appreciate the idea (for commercial reasons), nevertheless, if initiated and promoted by the government it may work wonders not only for our ‘Mother Earth’ but will also lend a helping hand to the general public.

Though a small step, this would be one genuine approach towards “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas”.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Most Respectfully,

Amit Girdhar Heda.
M: 8788227326.

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