Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Suicides - Depression..Tough times: Need to have Empathy and Personal Interactions


These are tough times for all. We need
 empathy & robust personal interactions.
Time to realise that Face Book, What's 
App and other Social Networks are just 
eye candy and personal one to one 
interaction cannot be substituted with 
these mere Photogenic - Glamorous 
mediums of communication. As the 
popular saying goes, Beauty is seldom
photogenic, Evil is. We are slowly but 
surely heading towards social and 
personal aloofness that wld certainly 
create (already majorly has) havoc in 
both personal and social traditional 
culture of our's. All of us, let's wake up 
for we too eventually would be the end 
sufferers of such similar Eye Candy, 
Photogenic - Glamour that's nothing but 
an Eye Wash.

(The blog writer/compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. Besides, he is Ex President of "Consumer Justice Council", Secretary of "SARATHI",  Member of "Jan Manch",  Holds "Palakatva of NMC", is a Para Legal Volunteer, District Court, Nagpur, RTI Activist, Core Committee Member of Save Bharat Van MovementParyavaran Prerna "Vidarbha", Member of Alert Citizen Group, Nagpur Police, Member of Family Welfare Committee formed under the directions of Hon. Supreme Court. Twitter@amitgheda).

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