Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Lost Series 7

Lost Temples
Cr Ramkrishna Kongalla

Varaha Avatar is from Rani ki Vav, Patan, Gujarat. Murtis of our gods are encyclopaedia, holding volumes of stories to say us.

1) Prabhaavali/PrabhaaMandala – Like ring of light around God, it’s a ornamental circular ring with many “Jwalas” or emblems related to the God. Here we can see Avataras of Sri Vishnu.

2) Padma Chatra/Atapatra – Used for high dignitaries. It’s the symbol of High Spiritual power. Just imagine how did they sculpt that delicate umbrella and it stays there without breaking for generations.

3) Bhudevi – Rescued form patalaloka being drowned by Asura Hiranyaksha with BhujaaMadhya (Elbow). Observe that affectionate touch of Bhudevi on Varaha Mukha.

4) Kaumodaki Gada – Symbol of supreme Sovereignty.

5) Varaha Avatar – the third avatar of Sri Vishnu – the god himself.

6) Panchajanya Sankha – Representation of PranavaNadam – AUM. Instruction of a commander for war on evil forces.

7) Sudarshana Chakra – Represents Dharma. Cycle of Samsara.

8) Katyavalambita Mudra – Hand hanged down to rest on hip. Indicates the posture of ease & Confidence at which Varaha handles Hiranyaksha.

9) Alidam – the PadaMudra of action also seen in Tripurantaka, Anjaneya & Arjuna.

10) Patalaloka – from where Bhudevi is rescued, we can see the Nagaraja & Nagarani in Anjali mudra.

(The blog writer/compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. Besides, he is Ex President of "Consumer Justice Council", Secretary of "SARATHI",  Member of "Jan Manch",  Holds "Palakatva of NMC", is a Para Legal Volunteer, District Court, Nagpur, RTI Activist, Core Committee Member of Bharat Van Movement, Member of Alert Citizen Group, Nagpur Police, Member of Family Welfare Committee formed under the directions of Hon. Supreme Court).

P.S: The blog writer claims no ownership of the photos and he, being a lover of the Rich Indian history, is simply trying to compile the related facts from various sources with the only sole intention of spreading our rich history far and wide.     

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