Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Delhi Assembly Election, 2020 Results take aways..

All of us need to accept that people have voted simply based on constructive performance & rejected all or any other parameters.

We, including all the political parties need to applaud the good, commendable, well designed - executed work done by others and imbibe wherever, whenever and whoever does good for the people/society.

After all, this is exactly what are our (public's) own expectations and aspirations and the fact is, this is apparently what all political parties strive for while seeking votes claiming it to be it's topmost agenda/purpose.

If we are supporters of any party, we need to criticise/show it the mirror wherever it has faltered so that it comes back on the track that it got derailed from.

Perhaps there could not be a bigger way of showing our loyalty towards the party we support and while doing so, ensuring our (Public's) well being and not falling prey to the false, misleading, exploitative narrative and indulgence by any party (forget our association) for we certainly don't want to be exploited and we definitely want to be uplifted.

So, there is no point in digging out non issues & criticising just "FOR IT" unless, of course one's purpose is destructive and has no concern and intention to bring about a constructive change.

Credit needs to be given where due logically and constructively..Same goes with criticism.

If this happens, surely public will be the ultimate winner and political parties will be forced to do what they propose to do before and after elections !!!

(The blog writer/Compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. Besides, he is President of "Consumer Justice Council", Secretary of "SARATHI",  Member of "Jan Manch",  Holds "Palakatva of NMC",  Is a Para Legal Volunteer, District Court, Nagpur, RTI ActivistMember of Family Welfare Committee formed under the guidelines of Hon. Supreme Court).

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