Thursday, August 3, 2017

Peel off all the layers that hide you.

You are not a spouse, a sibling, a parent, or a child. That's just a role you play at a given point in time.

You are not your designation, your title, your degree, or your award. That is only what you do, or what you have done.

You are not your successes or your failures. That is only an outcome of your efforts, and factors which you could or couldn't control.

You are not your house, your car, your perfume, or the brands that you use. That's just the money you spend.

You are not the people you know or the places you have been to. That's just the choices you made.

You are not the books you read or the music you hear or the shows you watch.

That's just the the flavor of the moment.

Most of us have become so superficial and addicted to fake and illusionary Glamour-EGO that we literally bury our real self into grave.

Peel off these layers and see what's left.

Have you met yourself yet?

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