Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Attack on doctors: Introspection time for public and medical professionals

Amid this attack on doctors... whether it should be condemned or not? Who is to be blamed? Public or Medical professionals? 

While such attacks are in no way justified, I think it's a retrospection time for all. For public/patients: for obvious reasons, as attacks/violence of any kind is not at all acceptable. At the same time doctor's (not in general) as well as intellectual's need to introspect and give an afterthought as to why this is happening or why such kind of attacks have gain momentum in recent times? Is this the frustration/anguish/exploitation that people nowadays face/suffer in modern corporate hospital culture - gullible professionals having little or no empathy for patients/sufferers? Maybe because of such few, all fraternity face negative public opinion and outrage. Isn't it an alarming situation and high time that introspection needs to be done by one and all? I do not intend to be biased towards any particular faction..just want to bring forth what appears to me a reasonable, logical and valid point of deliberation....and of course the attackers should be strictly dealt with so that such  incidences are never repeated.

Note: I have 7 medical professionals as my immediate family members & I am proud of their services as HONEST doctor's. I have been seeing many Doctor's including my father practising since last 45 odd years & the blind trust, respect & the high esteem with which they are looked upon. Patients definitely respect genuine medicos. I myself have great regards for many..but few black spots have corrupted the mind set and thinking process of all. Respect and blind faith has slowly started wanning. These are the real culprits. They need to be controlled lawfully..this will help the majority who do genuine practice and do not resort to malpractice.

(The blog writer is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm. Besides he is President of "Consumer Justice Council", Secretary of "SARATHI",  Member of "Jan Manch",  Holds "Palakatva of NMC",  Is a Para Legal Volunteer, District Court Nagpur & Member of Family Welfare Committee formed under the directions of Hon. Supreme Court to prevent misuse of 498A).

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