Always check:
1. Our blood pressure
2. blood sugar
3. triglycerides
5. Uric acid
1. Salt
2. Sugar
3. Bleached flour
4. Dairy products
5. Processed products
6. Maggi cube
Food needed:
1. Vegetables
2. Legumes
3. Beans
4. Nuts
5. Cold pressed oil (olive, coconut, ...)
6. Fruits
Three things you should try to forget:
1. Our Age
2. Our Past
3. Our Complaints
Three essential things:
1. Our Friends / comrades;
3. Our positive thoughts;
4. A clean and welcoming home.
Three basic things:
1. Always smile / laugh
2. Do regular physical activity at your own pace
3. Check and control your weight
Seven essential things:
1. Do not wait until we are thirsty to drink water;
2. Do not wait until we are sleepy to sleep;
3. Do not wait until we are tired to rest;
4. Do not wait until we are sick to have medical examinations;
5. Do not wait for miracles to trust God;
6. Never lose confidence in ourselves
7. Let's stay positive and always hope for a better tomorrow ...
(The blog writer/compiler is a Management Professional and operates a Manpower & Property Consultancy Firm.
Besides, he is -
1) President of "Consumer Justice Council",
2) Secretary of "SARATHI",
3) Member of "Jan Manch",
4) Holds "Palakatva of NMC",
5) Para Legal Volunteer, District Court,
6) RTI Activist,
7) Core Committee Member of Save Bharat
Van Movement & Paryavaran Prerna
8) Member of Alert Citizen Group, Nagpur
9) Member of Family Welfare Committee
formed under the directions of Hon.
Supreme Court.
Twitter: @amitgheda.